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My name is Krisha Bang and today I will help you find undiscovered places to visit in Mumbai. But before that, let us get into the backstory of the creation of this archive.
Once upon a time…
Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay is one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world, being India’s commercial and financial centre. This city is full of buildings and monuments, yet a major problem that I believe many people face is the lack of activities to do over the weekends. There are only a limited number of times one can go to the movie theatre and engage themselves there, or plan satisfactory family outings in the mall per annum. In fact, as of November 2019, less than 47% of the visitors go to the mall to shop, but instead go for leisure.
On that note, I strongly believe in the necessity to create awareness about places that one can visit in their free time, with kin and kin, or even to spend some ‘me-time’. It can be done by initially creating an archive for such places to visit and activities to do, by interviewing people who are more well-versed with such recreational and educational tasks, and by travelling by myself across certain areas of Mumbai to discover new things. It is likely that there are existing websites and firms (start-up companies) that help people by guiding them to such places, however the major problem they face is the lack of attention. It is something that every single person can benefit from at any point in their life, if they are aware of it.
Mumbai is also a city full of cultural heritage sites, which I perceive to be something we must preserve, and what better way to do that by reviving it and attracting the citizens of our city and nation to such places, where they can not only gain an insight into our history, but also enjoy themselves and spend leisure time making these visits.